We are a coaching and consulting company on a mission to transform the way we live, lead and work.
A Neon world is a more Deeply Human® world where our personal and professional lives are more fulfilling, our leaders more impactful and our organisations more of a force for good, both on the inside and the outside. We coach and consult with a wide range of clients, from private individuals in early mid-life who want to create new beginnings in life and work, to leaders and senior teams who want to develop organisational cultures where more people can thrive and do their best work.
Hi I’m Kate. I’ve been working in the field of personal and organisational change in the UK and overseas for more than 30 years.
Neon was born from a vision I had of me spray-painting the world with colour. I founded the company in 2013 with a desire to change how we live, lead and work through coaching and consulting.
My fascination with how people and systems tick goes all the way back to my school days, when I volunteered at a local psychiatric hospital. It continued into my early career when I worked with the homeless and as a probation officer in London.
After that I moved into the business world and joined PA Consulting Group, where I led programmes of change for 10 years and learned more about how to influence systems and organisational culture.
I am equal part consultant and coach, and bring a unique blend of IQ and EQ. I love my work and making a positive difference to people’s lives and believe passionately that we need more colour and humanity in the world.
I work with leaders of purpose-led organisations who want to deliver greater impact without burning out their teams or themselves. My clients are ambitious leaders who are open-minded and progressive in their thinking.
I also work with early mid-life professionals who are successful but unfulfilled and who want a new direction. There is nothing better than seeing a client enjoying their new job, new adventure or new chapter in life.
Making change is a creative act. Creativity is a fundamental part of my own life; I write prose and poetry, am a singer/songwriter and I paint. It is also an important part of my work; I invite clients to take up creative practices or offer paintings and poems to inspire and support the change they want to make.